Project information will be readily available in many forms as construction details are finalized. Along with the usual ways PennDOT alerts the public of upcoming detours, including press releases and public meetings, other sources
will be available. Information will be posted on the PennDOT website: www.dot.state.pa.us/district11 which includes flyers and project
renderings that can be easily downloaded.
Additionally, the Oakland Transportation Management Association (OTMA), a community outreach partner has created this project website: www.otma-pgh.org/project_sr885/default.aspx that contains
information on project history, project improvements, project timeline, photos of existing bridge, project renderings/illustrations, community meeting notices, project updates, scheduled lane restrictions and traffic detour maps.
PennDOT District 11-0
Attn: Brad Miller, PE
45 Thoms Run Rd
Bridgeville, PA 15017 |
Phone: (412) 429-5062
Fax: (412) 429-5050
Web: http://www.dot.state.pa.us/ |